0 - cero (say-roh) | 11 once (ohn-say) | |
1 - uno (oo-noh) | 12 doce (doh-say) | |
2 - dos (dohs) | 13 trece (tray-say) | |
3 - tres (trehs) | 14 catorce (kah-tohr-say) | |
4 - cuatro (kwah-troh) | 15 quince (keen-say) | |
5 - cinco (seen-koh) | 16 diez y seis (dee-ays ee says) | |
6 - seis (says) | 17 diez y siete (dee-ays ee see-ay-tay) | |
7 - siete (see-ay-tay) | 18 diez y ocho (dee-ays ee oh-choh) | |
8 - ocho (oh-choh) | 19 diez y nueve (dee-ays ee noo-ay-bay) | |
9 - nueve (noo-ay-bay) | 20 veinte (behn-tay) | |
10 - diez (dee-ays) | 21 veinte y uno (behn-tay ee oo-noh) | |
22 - veinte y dos (behn-tay ee dohs) | 101 ciento uno | |
23 - veinte y tres (behn-tay ee trehs ) | 200 doscientos | |
30 - treinta (trayn-tah) | 350 trescientos cincuenta | |
40 - cuarenta (kwah-rehn-tah) | 400 cuatrocientos | |
50 - cincuenta (seen-kwehn-tah) | 465 cuatrocientos sesenta y cinco | |
60 - sesenta (say-sehn-tah) | 500 cincocientos | |
70 - setenta (say-tehn-tah) | 570 cincocientos setenta | |
80 - ochenta (oh-chen-tah) | 800 ochocientos | |
90 - noventa (noh-behn-tah) | 900 novecientos | |
100 - cien(to ) (see-ehn-toh) | 1000 mil | |
Masculine | Feminine | Plural |
el ( ayl ) | la ( lah ) | los (m)( lohs )/ las ( lahs )(f) |
el muchacho (boy or the boy) , la muchacha(girl or the girl) , los muchachos(boys), las muchachas(girls). | ||
INDEFINITE ARTICLES(a, an or some) | ||
Masculine | Feminine | Plural |
un (oon) | una (oo-nah) | unos (oo-nohs)(m)/ unas (oo-nahs) (f) |
Note: Cien is used for just 100, but for more than 100, you say Ciento.Alternatively for 16,17,18,19 dieciseis, diecisiete, dieciocho, diecinueve can be used. Also between 21-29, veintiuno, veintidós, veintitrés etc, can be used.
Articles are usually used with nouns in Spanish. There are basically two types namely: Definite articles and Indefinite articles.
Masculine Feminine Plural
el(ayl) la(lah) los (m)(lohs)/ las(lahs)(f)
el muchacho (boy or the boy) , la muchacha(girl or the girl) , los muchachos(boys), las muchachas(girls).
Masculine Feminine Plural
un(oon) una(oo-nah) unos(oo-nohs)(m)/unas(oo-nahs)(f)
un muchacho (a boy) , una muchacha(a girl), unos muchachos(some boys), unas muchachas(some girls).