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All nouns in French have a gender, which is either masculine or feminine. Therefore, you have to memorize the gender, however for the main time, there are some general simple that could help for this level now. Generally, Most nouns ending with a consonant or in ment, age vowels(apart from e) are usually masculine. Nouns mostly ending in e, tion or sion are usually feminine.
Nouns in French must always go with articles. They must agree in both gender and number. They have to be always used even though they may not be always expressed in English.
Animals | |||
el perro (peh-roh) | dog | la vaca (bah-kah) | cow |
el gato (gah-toh) | cat | el conejo (koh-neh-hoh) | rabbit |
el pez (pays) | fish | el caballo (kah-bah-yoh) | horse |
el pájaro (pa-hah-roh) | bird | el ratón (rah-tohn) | mouse |
la cabra (kah-brah) | goat | el léon (lay-ohn) | lion |
el cerdo (sehr-doh) | pig | el tigre (tee-greh) | tiger |
el pato (pah-toh) | duck | la serpiente (sehr-pyehn-tay) | snake |
la tortuga (tohr-too-gah) | Tortoise | la lagartija (lah-gahr-tee-ha) | lizard |
Family | |||
el padre (pah-dray) | father | el sobrino (soh-bree-noh) | nephew |
la madre (mah-dray) | mother | la sobrina (soh-bree-nah) | niece |
el hijo (ee-hoh) | son | el primo (pree-moh) | cousin(m) |
la hija (ee-hah) | daughter | la prima (pree-mah) | cousin(f) |
el hermano (ehr-mah-noh) | brother | el marido (mah-ree-doh) | husband |
la hermana (ehr-mah-nah) | sister | la mujer (moo-hehr) | wife |
el tío (tee-oh) | uncle | el abuelo (ah-bway-loh) | grandfather |
la tiá (tee-ah) | aunt | la abuela (ah-bway-lah) | grandmother |