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Buon giorno (bwohn jhor-noh) | Good morning/ good afternoon |
Buona sera (bwoh-nah seh-rah) | Good evening |
Buona notte ( bwoh-nah noh-teh) | Good night |
Come sta? (koh-meh stah) | How are you? (formal) |
Come stai? (koh-meh sty) | How are you? (informal) |
Sto bene (stoh-beh-neh) | I am fine |
Signore (seen-yoh-reh) | Mister |
Signora (seen-yoh-rah) | Misses |
Signorina (seen-yoh-ree-nah) | Miss |
Sì / No (see/no) | Yes/no |
Ciao (chow) | Hi / Hello / Bye |
Dov’è? (doh-veh) /Dove sono? (doh-veh sono) | Where is?/ Where are? |
Sono di… (soh-noh) | I am from… |
Quanti anni ha? (kwahn-tee ah-nee ah) | How old are you? (Formal) |
Quanti anni hai? (kwahn-tee ah-nee ah-ee) | How old are you? (Informal) |
Ho trenta anni (oh trehn-tah ah-nee) | I am 30 years old |
Buona fortuna (bwoh-nah fohr-too-nah) | Good luck |
C’è / Ci sono (cheh / chee soh-noh) | There is / There are |
Ho fame (oh fah-meh) | I am hungry |
Ho sete (oh seh-teh) | I am thirsty |
Capisce? (kah-pee-sheh) | Do you understand? (Formal) |
Capisci? ( kah-pee-shee) | Do you understand? (Informal) |
Capisco (kah-pees-koh) | I understand |
Non capisco (non kah-pees-koh) | I don’t understand |
Arriverderci (ah-ree-vehr-dehr-chee) | Good bye(informal) |
Arriverderla (ah-ree-vehr-dehr-lah) | Goodbye(Formal) |
Parlo Inglese (pahr-loh een-gleh-zeh) | I speak English |
Benvenuti (behn-veh-noo-tee) | Welcome |
Grazie mille (graht-zyeh mee-leh) | Thank you very much |
Prego (preh-goh) | You’re welcome/don’t mention it |
Per favore (pehr fah-voh-reh) | Please |
Per piacere (pehr pyah-cheh-reh) | Please |
Parla Italiano? (pahr-lah ee-tah-lyah-noh) | Do you speak Italian? |
Parli Francese? (pahr-lee frahn-cheh-seh) | Do you speak French? |
A dopo (ah doh-poh) /A presto ( ah prehs-toh) | See you soon |
Mi dispiace (mee dees-pyah-cheh) | (I am) Sorry |
Così così (koh-see koh see) | So so |
Molto lieto (mohl-toh lyeh-toh) | Nice to meet you |
Lo so (loh soh) | I know |
Non so (non soh) | I don’t know |
Certamente (cher-tah-mehn-teh) | Sure |
Ecco / Eccoli (eh-koh / eh koh-lee) | Here is /Here are |
Cosa c’è? (koh-zah cheh) | What is the matter? |
Nulla (noo-lah) | Nothing |
Di nulla (dee noo-lah) | It doesn’t matter |
Scusi (skoo-see) | Excuse me (Formal) |
Scusa (skoo-zah) | Excuse me (Informal) |
A domani (ah doh-mah-nee) | See you tomorrow |
Andiamo (ahn-dyah-moh) | Let’s go |
A più tardi (ah pyoo tahr-dee) | See you later |
Vieni qui (vyeh-nee kee) | Come here |
Me manchi (mee mahn-kee) | I miss you |
Ti amo ( tee ah-moh) | I love you |
Sempre (sehm-preh) / e ( eh ) /o ( oh ) | Always / and / or |
Qualche volta (kwah-keh vohl-tah) | Sometimes |
Anche (ahn-keh) | also, too |