
In a bid to ensure that you can learn French language yourself, the phonetic aspect will be simplified to an adapted method till you are ready to learn it later as the lesson progresses. However, for this level, in order to avoid any ambiguity, simple general basic rules will be given. Note that French is somehow difficult, but here at Tobidam, it will be made easy. Here are the rules:

  1. Last consonants of French words are usually silent (unpronounced) except c, r, f, l , b.
  2. All other consonants are pronounced like their English counterparts.
  3. The last e of French words are usually silent except when accented e.g. femme(woman), père (father),but the é in café is pronounced.
  4. Stress generally falls on the last syllables.

To avoid giving a phonetic table in order  to understand the phonetics, a rather transcription table will be given for easy self learning at this level.


Easy Guide to French pronunciation

The purpose of this guide is to aid you pronounce French words as correctly as possible so you can speak effectively. This is not intended to give a perfect pronunciation of French, but to give a closely approximate pronunciation. You will have to listen to French speakers for accurate pronunciation.

The system of transcription of French sounds used here is English Letters in italics. The sounds are arranged alphabetically in transcription form for ease. The transcription letters are followed by the English words they represent. This is the easiest way to practice French pronunciation. Remember that the transcription in italics serves only as a guide to pronouncing French words.


a ,à, âah!a mi , p a p aah-mee,pah-pah
é, et, ez, final erp aycaf é, et, n ezkah - fay , nay
Eup o lej eu, y eu x joh , yoh
è, ê,ei, ai,aise ggm è re , l ai t ,mehr , leh , rehn , ehtr
r ei ne ,ê tre
œu,euc ares œu r , fl eu r sehr , flehr
uj ewj u s , r u e , tiss ujyoo , ryoo , tee - soo
i,yk i tr i z, t y pe ree,teep
uc oo kc ou, l ou pkoo,loo
o,ôc o keb eau ,h ô tel, d o sboh,oh-tehl, doh
wwha tf oi s,fwah
wweoui, l uiwee,lui
an, on,un, enonb an c , b on, l un dibohn , bohn , lohn-dee
in, ein, ain, aimh enf in, p ain, f aimfehn , pehn , fehm
ti + vowel(except é)seena tion, démocra tie nah - syohn , day - moh - krah-see
qu, final q, kkissqu e , qu oi , k épi kuh, kwah , kay - pee
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About Us

Tobidam is a live online language school popularly known for tutoring  French language in a fast and efficient manner. It  also deals with other languages like German, Spanish,  etc but mostly sought after for French tutoring especially for TEF. It is the  fastest online language school where you can learn French and pass TEF in 6 months

Learn French To Pass TEF

Beginners ( A1-A2)

Intermediate ( B1-B2)

The minimum level required to do well in TEF and to obtain a CLB 7 is B2(Upper).At Tobidam, you start speaking French from the first day! From the outset, we customise the class  towards learning French and passing TEF exams successfully in 6 months.

To get to B2, you need:

Tobidam(300 hours)

Other schools (550-900 hours)

Tobidam has  2 special packages viz. PLATINUM class ( one-on-one) class and Diamond class( Group). 


A1-B2 ( Beginners to intermediate)

15hrs/week                                                  4 months

9hrs/week                                                    6 months

PLATINUM CLASS (one-on-one)

This is a 4 months program private class

3 hours/day

5 days (15 hours/ week)


This is  a 6-month group class program.

Fridays – Sundays,

3 hours/day,

3 days (9 hours/week)

Limited slots available.

TEF Preparatory Classes

Note: After learning French (A1-B2), there is TEF preparatory classes that take at least separate 100 hours which could be achieved in about 3 months depending on the student’s assimilation rate. This should be added to any package you choose.



**Free study materials

** Free TEF materials

** No need for immersion( Travelling to francophone country for speaking improvement.)

**Parisian Accent traning

**  Customised one-on-one classes & less crowded group classes

**24/7 working hours at your own convenience

**Free advice on multiple ways of immigrating to Canada through French

**Tips for getting bilingual jobs (French) in Canada.





*Bookings are based on first come, first served.

*Bookings  for group classes always commence from the MIDDLE of the prior month and classes begin  on the FIRST working day of the following  month after the required number of students per class are complete.

*Only one-on-one classes can commence 24 hours after booking.

For more enquiries/bookings:

Whatsapp : +234(0)7038476947

Call :    +1 647 867 9623 

Email :


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